The Labour Party’s radical reformists

The true nature of the socilaism espoused by Jeremy Corbyn and his Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell, were revealed at the Labour Party conference today. Despite all the left rhetoric, McDonnell made a speech on economic policy which made it clear they plan to run capitalism for the capitalist class. In his own words, McDonnell wants … Read more

Brexit lies – who told the truth?

The referendum campaign was cheapened and degraded by accusations of lies. And the most vociferous accusers were the Remain campaign. We were repeatedly told the Leave campaign were telling lies. The Remain campaign, on the other hand, had so-called experts on their sides. International colleagues with their own vested interests to protect waded in with … Read more

Police? Racist? Surely not!

You do not have to be a trained detective to work out that young black men are much more likely to be stopped and searched than young white men. As Mr Olisa puts it, it is ‘accepted practice’ to stop young black men to try to boost arrest rates for drugs such as cannabis. He … Read more