Hold your nose and vote?

Ayesha Hazarika’s advice in her Evening Standard column echoes what many political commentators have suggested. From their point of view neither Jeremy Corbyn nor Boris Johnson are suitable prime ministers. But one of them is going to win, so you have to choose the one you least dislike. I am not convinced. For nearly forty … Read more

Hold your nose and vote

Ayesha Hazarika’s advice in her Evening Standard column echoes what many political commentators have suggested. From their point of view neither Jeremy Corbyn nor Boris Johnson are suitable prime ministers. But one of them is going to win, so you have to choose the one you least dislike. I am not convinced. For nearly forty … Read more

Is nationalising broadband a ‘crazed communist scheme’?

The Labour Party’s announcement that they will provide free fibre broadband to every home in the country by 2030 has hit the headlines today. It is an eye-catching claim. And Boris Johnson has boosted its socialist credentials by describing it as a ‘communist’ policy. Yet other capitalist commentators are not so sure. Is nationalisation a … Read more

Should we vote Labour?

I have been looking at several left-wing websites, hoping to find a rationale for the position I have decided to take. And I do not see it. They all want me to vote Labour. Some say put them in power to demonstrate to the working class they are not truly socialist. The argument goes that … Read more

Do we need billionaires?

When Jeremy Corbyn said a fair society would not contain billionaires, it did not seem controversial to me. The existence of an individual with access to one thousand million pounds (or dollars) can only seem acceptable to people who think gross inequality is a good idea. The usual culprits have sprung to the defence of … Read more

Fear of election

The parliamentary opposition are running scared.  It is not Boris Johnson they fear, it is the anger of the working class. Nobody is taken in by the parliamentary shenanigans. We can all see the opposition are afraid of calling a general election. They produce one excuse after another.  The Labour Party blame the Illiberal Undemocrats; … Read more

Another dirty cop

Another police officer has been found guilty of a heinous offence. This time it is Lee Martin-Cramp, a 26 year old Metropolitan Police officer who was found guilty of rape. Martin-Cramp was on holiday in Antigua where he used Tinder to meet a US woman who was on the island to attend a family wedding. … Read more

Labour comes out for Remain

I was in Wales at the weekend where I saw a Sunday morning political programme. All 8 of the parties putting up candidates for the EU elections were represented. I was struck by how blatantly anti-Brexit Jackie Jones (the Labour Party representative) was. She told the presenter voters who wanted to remain in the EU … Read more

Labour comes out as a Remain party

I was in Wales at the weekend where I saw a Sunday morning political programme. All 8 of the parties putting up candidates for the EU elections were represented. I was struck by how blatantly anti-Brexit Jackie Jones (the Labour Party representative) was. She told the presenter, in no uncertain terms, that voters who wanted … Read more