Democrats against the working class

The defeat of Trump at the election gave rise to a huge sigh of relief from the mass media. There were displays of triumphalism across the USA, most famously in central New York City with his opponents celebrating in the streets. Trump’s decision to challenge validity of some of the voting procedures is portrayed as vainglorious peevishness by sections of the press.

The spectre hanging over this election, however, is the huge number of people who voted for a second term of Trump presidency. For the Democrats and their supporters in the media the question is: why did so many voters choose not to support Joe Biden?

Trump could not have made a Democrat victory easier for them if he had tried. By siding with the anti-maskers and the Covid-deniers and failing to take drastic steps to control the spread of Covid-19, he virtually handed the election to them. And yet the walkover that was predicted for the Democrats did not materialise.

The outgoing President has announced he will challenge many of the votes in court. The media are spitting feathers at the prospect of a judicial challenge to the electoral process. This is despite the fact that Trump’s opponents spent years trying to overturn Trump’s election, through the Mueller enquiry into Russian interference in the 2016 election and into alleged collusion, and through an attempted impeachment of the President.

The legal process is invoked by losing Presidential candidates as a matter of routine in American elections. In this case, however, the media announce that it is unreasonable for Trump to invoke his rights under the law.

Trump has been written off as a crank, a madman and a fool. But that analysis also assumes over 70 million US voters chose a crank, a madman and a fool to run their country for the next four years.

I have more confidence in the American working class than that.

It is closer to the truth to say that millions of American workers have absolutely no faith in the Democrats to carry out policies that are in the interests of working people. And they are right to be suspicious.

Within the Democrat Party the right wing have already declared their intention to ditch some of the policies which helped them attract some working class support. They effectively put an end to the bid of Bernie Sanders to offer a moderately social-democratic programme to the voters. Instead they chose to put forward a long-standing supporter of Wall Street, big finance and crony capitalism. They assumed that any candidate, no matter how tainted by their connection with financial capital, would be enough to defeat Trump.

The question for the American working class, and for socialists everywhere, is to create an alternative party committed to promoting the interests of the working class. The economic crisis faced by world capitalism has not gone away during the pandemic. In fact it has been exacerbated by the creation of billions of dollars, pounds and Euros of fictional capital. This growing credit mountain can only intensify the struggle between the working class and finance capital for the real wealth created by the labour of the working class. The ruling class will be driven by economic necessity to make deeper and more savage attacks on the living standards and welfare of working people.

The working class need their own party, their own leadership, and their own policies, because a programme that defends the rights and living conditions of working people will come into uncompromising conflict with the needs of the ruling class.

Ukraine votes for a clown

The Ukrainian presidential elections resulted in a TV actor beating the incumbent (Petro Poroshenko) and a third-time candidate for president (Yulia Tymoshenko) into second and third places, respectively. The first round of the Ukrainian elections was won by Volodymyr Zelensky, an actor, with no previous political experience – unless you include playing an anti-corruption campaigner … Read more

US declares trade war at Davos

The US has gone to Davos to tell the rest of the world it is declaring a trade war. The US Commerce Secretary declared, ‘Trade wars are fought every single day. Every single day there are always parties violating the rules and trying to take unfair advantage of things. So a trade war has been … Read more

Macron election victory is a tainted chalice

The media are hailing Emmanuel Macron’s election as President of France as a victory for their own bourgeois-liberal agenda. But analysis of the results gives a very different picture. Macron is a former merchant banker who was recruited by the reformist President Hollande to the position of Finance Minister. The idea that he could attract … Read more

It is NOT a post-truth world

What a crock of s**t to describe 2016 as the start of “post-truth” politics. The Oxford English Dictionary is reported to have said that “post-truth” is their word of the year. In the Washington Post they commented: It’s official: Truth is dead. Facts are passe. What world do you live in, where the pre-2016 establishment-sanctioned … Read more

The CIA and irony

They say Americans do not do irony. And of course, they do. But the CIA, on the other hand…. When the US foreign intelligence agency issues press releases about the (shock/horror) attempts by the Russian government to influence the recent presidential campaigns, the irony is lost on them The CIA have been trying to influence … Read more

The 45th president

How much of a surprise was it to find that Donald Trump had been elected president?   To be honest, it was less of a surprise to me this week than I would have thought a couple of weeks ago. Watching from the UK, I could not envisage how or why Trump stood a chance … Read more

Salman the beheader

  The action taken by Saudi Arabia’s dictatorship, in executing 47 dissidents and opponents on January 2, has caused an outcry across the world. The focus of the media reporting has been on protestations from Shia leaders, particularly in the Middle East. And in doing so they fan the flames of Shia-Sunni sectarianism. For the … Read more

The use of force

  Mark Urban, BBC correspondent, writing in his book about SAS operations in Iraq: “…in a UK context, for example, there are obvious political and legal reasons why the SAS could not have adopted a similar strategy against the Irish Republicans in the 1980’s. While applying Iraqi levels of force to the Irish counter-terrorism scene … Read more

Earthquake in Afghanistan

It was reported today that the Taleban had taken over another area of Afghanistan – Takhar province, which lies on the border with Tajikistan. Almost as an aside, the report mentioned that the district had been hit by an earthquake earlier in the week. The quake was 7.5 magnitude, and at least 300 people died, … Read more